Volunteer Job Descriptions
Meet Director - An experienced volunteer representing the Home team serves as the Meet Director. This person oversees proper equipment set up and take down, and the overall smooth running of the meet, including proper timing and scoring functions. The Meet Referee (head official) may seek the assistance of the Meet Director during the meet to help resolve any problems or issues that may arise. The Meet Director also serves as the primary liaison with the lifeguard staff at the host facility (pool).
Set Up and Take Down—Work in coordination to set up pool and take down pool including moving timing pads, setting up tables, getting out counters for 500 free and setting up starter stand, etc.
Timers - Two timers are assigned per lane. One timer (A) uses a stopwatch and the other (B) uses a plunger and clipboard. Timer A starts the watch upon seeing the flash of the strobe light on the Starting System, and then stops that watch when the swimmer touches the wall to complete their event. Timer B presses the plunger button only once during each heat, when the swimmer touches the wall to complete their event. Timer B records the watch time on the timer sheet on the clipboard to the nearest 100th of a second (e.g. 2:42.62). Timer B should verify the swimmer’s name. There is 1 Back-up timer who uses 2 stopwatches. As a timer, you should plan to work the entire meet - usually 2 hours of swimming time. There is one extended break during the Diving events. The Home and Away teams each provide 1 timer per lane plus 2 extras. The Home team provides the Back-up Timer.
Runners - Two runners are needed for each meet. The runner’s responsibility is to pick up the timer sheets after each swim event and bring those to the scoring table. Both are provided by the Away team.
Scoring Computer Operators - We use the same Hy-Tek Meet Manager® software as GCSL (Summer League). We need several parents who are willing to score the meet using the team laptop during Home meets. The Home team provides at least one computer operator per meet.
Timing Console Operators - This person runs the Daktronics timing console during a Home meet. The function of the console is to process the automated timing data that is sent from the touchpads and forward that data to the scoreboard and the scoring computer. This job is one that requires the operator’s full attention.. The Home team provides at least one Console operator per meet.
Scoring Table Verifiers - The Away team provides 2 parents to function as the Scoring Verifier and Console Verifier. They assist the console and computer operators and double-check all results.
Dive Scoring and Announcer - One parent uses the team laptop to score the diving portion of a meet. This parent should be comfortable with the Excel diving program. A second parent serves as the announcer for diving and should be comfortable with speaking in public. These are both provided by the Away team.
Dive Scoring Verifier - The Home team provides 1 parent to function as the Dive Scoring Verifier.
Concessions at Home Meets – Concessions are optional at the discretion of the Home team. If the Home team does not choose to run concessions, a visiting team may do so with the Home team’s permission. The team running concessions recruits all necessary volunteers to help set up, sell during meet, and take down at the end of the meet.
Set Up Video for Touch Pads and other Equipment
Set Up and Console Training Tips
For Console set up video click here.
and also:
Volunteer Training Videos Available
To see equipment, console and computer go to https://gwinnettswimdive.org/training-information, for the dive video go to https://gwinnettswimdive.org/dive